Saxonin alkuperäisellä kitaristilla Graham Oliverilla diagnosoitu Parkinsonin tauti

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.9.2023

Englantilaisen heavy metal -veteraani Saxonin perustajiin lukeutuvalla kitaristilla Graham Oliverilla on diagnosoitu Parkinsonin tauti. Oliver, joka soitti Saxonissa vuosien 1975-1995 välisen ajan on paljastanut asian The Classic Rock podcastin haastattelussa ja kertonut diagnoosistaan seuraavaa:

”I was shocked at first. I mean, in ’76 I cut my finger off and [thought] I’d never play guitar again. When I was 59, I had a mini stroke and that paralyzed my left side and I thought I’d never play again. So I’ve overcome them, so I’ve got another battle on my hands. So I’ve done it three times. So it’ll be the third time lucky. It’s not gonna beat me as yet, so I’m just going to keep going till I can’t.”

Oliverilta kysyttiin haastattelussa myös miten Parkinsonin tauti on toistaiseksi vaikuttanut kitaristin soittotaitoihin ja hän vastasi aiheesta seuraavaa:

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”Well, I’m on medication. I went to ’jam night’ last week. I did a gig in Lancaster with OLIVER’S ARMY, which is the band that we’re using now. And I did really well, ’cause before I had to concentrate on my left hand to make it work properly whereas it was a lot like I was playing things that I hadn’t played for a couple of years. ’Cause I’ve had these complaints since lockdown and thought it was a trapped nerve. I didn’t know what to put it down to. I just put it down to inactivity, bitter old age and arthritis or a trapped nerve. So it’s been slow. Hopefully medication is gonna keep it under control.”