Saxonin laulaja Biff Byford: ”Olemme nauhoittaneet tulevalle albumille jo seitsemän kappaletta”

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 20.3.2017

Englantilaisen heavy metal -veteraanin Saxonin laulaja Biff Byford sekä kitaristi Doug Scarratt antoivat hiljattain haastattelun The Metal Voicelle. Anthraxin entinen laulaja Neil Turbin esitti muusikoille fanikysymyksiä, jotka liittyivät aiempaan tuotantoon sekä tulevaan albumiin.

Saxonin laulaja Byford kertoi, että he ovat nauhoittaneet jo seitsemän kappaletta ja näillä näkymin albumin julkaisua voi odottaa 2018 vuoden tammikuussa.

Haastattelusta on katsottavissa video:

Byfordilta ja Scarratilta kysyttiin uransa alkuvaiheen musiikkimausta sekä uudemmista lempibändeistään. Byford kertoi pitäneensä kaikista isoista nimistä, kuten Led Zeppelinistä ja Black Sabbathista.

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Uudemmista nimistä miehet nostivat Killswitch Engagen ja kertoivat pitävänsä yhtyeen musiikista. Saxon soittaa nykyään paljon festivaaleissa, joten he ovat myös huomanneet kuinka Five Finger Death Punch osaa ottaa yleisön haltuunsa.

Fanikysymykset käsittelivät myös Saxonin uutta musiikkia. Yhtyeen uudella albumilla kuullaan duetto muusikon kanssa, jota ei vielä haastattelussa paljastettu. Kappaleiden aihepiiristä puhuttaessa Byford kertoi kirjoittaneensa synkän kappaleen Nosferatusta sekä Lemmy Kilmisteristä kertova ‘They Played Rock And Roll’ -kappale löytyy myös levyltä.
Biff Byford kertoi:

”It’s always gonna be me singing and it’s always gonna be them playing. It’s not suddenly go hard core. Although on the next album we are doing a duet with somebody. It’s a bit hard core for us. We have recorded seven songs already, we are actually got three more songs and going to write three-four more. I finished the vocals before we came on tour. We rent a studio while we are at the festivals, a week of studio. It will be produced by Andy Sneap. He has gone off to do Judas Priest while we are here and when we get back in September will continue, it will be out 2018, maybe January? I have done some about lyrics about Nosferatu the Bram Stoker thing (Vampire Count Orlok) a very dark song and I am also doing a Motörhead song called ‘They Played Rock And Roll’.”

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Haastatelija pyysi tarinaa Motörheadista, jolloin Byford kertoi:

”Our first tour of the UK, was our first tour ever was with Motörhead in 1979 and we had just written Wheels of Steel, it was about to come out. We used to go our every night 7pm on stage do our thing and Lemmy would come out after the show during their set and say you have to go out and buy Saxon;s albums, these guys are great. Lemmy helped us out a lot with his stamp of approval, it was nice of him. Lemmy was intelligent, well read and had a great sense of humour.”

Lemmyn kuolemaa laulaja Byford muisteli:

”Lemmy was ill, he was actually iller on the American leg than in Europe leg (Saxon / Motörhead tour). We finished the tour Scandinavia in December and we all said good bye, Christmas break and we were supposed to start again in January and he died before. I don’t think he expected to die cause he was feeling a little bit better he was told he got cancer in the brain and it wasn’t long after that he died. He sent me a text message a couple of days before he died saying he thought the tour was great and the next thing I knew someone phoned me up and said Lemmy was gone. It was bit of a shock. He went in the Lemmy style, he didn’t linger in a hospital, he died with his boots on.

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Yksi fanikysymys käsitteli mahdollista paluuta Saxonin entisten jäsenien kanssa, johon Biff vastasi:

”NO, not in this universe. I have to be loyal to the guys (current band), they have been longer in the band then then the former members were. I wouldn’t see any point. We were already headlining huge festivals so what would be the point. It would be alright for our fans I understand that but our fans have moved on to the new Saxon as it stands now.”