Scar Symmetryn entisen laulajan Christian Älvestamin kipparoima Miseration aloitti rahoituskampanjan seuraavaa albumiaan varten
Ruotsalaisesta melodista death metalia soittavasta Scar Symmetrysta alun perin tunnetuksi tullut laulaja Christian Älvestam on julkaisemassa Miseration-yhtyeensä kanssa uuden albumin nimeltä ”Black Miracles And Dark Wonders” myöhemmin tänä vuonna. Albumia varten on aloitettu IndieGoGo:n kautta rahoituskampanja, jonka tavoitteena on kerätä 6000 euroa albumin teosta koostuneisiin kuluihin. Voit lukea yhtyeen julkaiseman virallisen viestin rahoituskampanjan tiimoilta tästä:
”In 2018 Jani and Christian decided to pick up where they left off in 2012, but this time as a two-piece. A fourth album, to be called ’Black Miracles And Dark Wonders’, was written and pre-produced between 2018 and 2020; an album’s worth of music bringing several new elements into the Miseration formula. With the new material under their belt, a new deal was landed with the German record label Massacre Records.
However, now seeing us all living in some truly strange and trying times – where nobody really knows if and when bands will be able to get back on the road again; and where new releases are being pushed back/postponed because of the inability to perform and promote albums live – a new financial world order has taken its toll on everyone and everything. Even so, Massacre Records have shown themselves willing to kindly invest in Miseration, to some extent, but to fully make ends meet – to see this album reach its utmost potential that is – we are now reaching out to YOU – our most beloved and devoted fans and followers out there – asking you to join forces with us in trying to make this campaign a successful one.”
Miserationin edellinen albumi ”Tragedy Has Spoken” julkaistiin vuonna 2012.