Scorpions-nokkamies uudesta albumista: ”Meillä on paljon materiaalia kasassa”

Kirjoittanut Janne Ollikainen - 20.4.2020

Saksalainen raskaan rockin legenda Scorpions on työstämässä uutta albumia, joka ilmestynee vuonna 2021. Vähemmän yllättävää on, että yhtyeen äänityssuunnitelmat ovat muuttuneet maailmalla vallitsevan koronavirusepidemian vuoksi. Alkuperäisen suunnitelman mukaan yhtyeen piti mennä studioon jo jokunen viikko sitten, mutta yhtye yrittää parhaansa mukaan saada levyntekoprosessiaan eteenpäin. Yhtyeen laulaja Klaus Meine kertoi ranskalaiselle Crazyscorps-faniklubille tilanteesta:

”We were supposed to start working in the studio two weeks ago and all of us are working in their own studios, but we’re in touch. And we keep going and we try to make the best out of this isolated situation… The last week of March, we were supposed to start working here in Germany before we wanted to go out together with the whole band here in the studio in Hannover. Our producer from America wanted to come over here — Greg Fidelman — and then we had to change the whole plan. And it turned out we ended up with everybody doing his own thing, working on songs and working on stuff at his own studio. So, for me, it was good. ”

Yhtyeellä on laulajan mukaan jo hyvä määrä materiaalia kasassa:

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”We started writing for this album early last year until June 2019. And then we had to go back on the road. At that point, we had a couple of great songs already, so the whole thing was in progress. It felt really good at that point. Now, coming back from Australia and Southeast Asia, it was about time to pick up the recording sessions and go back into it. I know when Rudolf came back, he went to Thailand — the last show was in Singapore in early March and he went back to his place in Thailand — so he picked up the songs and a couple of weeks later, there was a lot of stuff coming back from the riff master. It’s a good creative mood, and it’s really exciting.”

Laulaja tuntuu olevan innoissaan bändin luovuudesta ja antoi myös hieman vihiä albumin tyylisuunnasta:

”Every other day, I ask myself, ’Klaus, are we really doing a new album?’ Is anybody waiting for a new album from the Scorpions out there? But at the same time, it’s wonderful, after all these years, we’re still excited to create new stuff and to create new songs and we’re all into it. And having Mikkey Dee in the band now, it’s, like, ’Wow.’ This could be an album where it’s a little bit more on the harder edge”

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