Scorpions pyrkii vangitsemaan ”Lovedrive”-,”Animal Magnetism”- sekä ”Blackout”-albumeiden fiiliksen tulevalle albumilleen

Saksalainen rock-yhtye Scorpions työstää parhaillaan materiaalia seuraavaa albumiaan varten, jonka julkaisu tulee tapahtumaan vuoden 2021 alussa. Yhtyeen laulaja Klaus Meine on antanut hiljattain Sirius XM:n ”Trunk Nation” -ohjelmalle haastattelun, jossa on kertonut yhtyeen toivovan saavan tulevalle albumilleen samanlaisen fiiliksen kuin ”Lovedrive”-,”Animal Magnetism”- sekä ”Blackout”-albumeilla on. Meine kertoi levyn teosta seuraavaa:
”The vibe and the feel we [are trying] to go back to [is] the days between ’Lovedrive’ [1979], ’Animal Magnetism’ [1980] and ’Blackout’ [1982]. I mean, it’s impossible to turn back time and start all over again — it’s such a long time ago. But we try to, especially with our producer, with Greg Fidelman, we try to go back to that spirit and make a hard-rocking album.
Rudolf Schenker, the riff master, he came up with lots and lots of really great tunes, and I wrote more lyrics than probably ever before. So we went back to the same old spirit, like back in those days, and we try to make an album that goes in that direction. I’m not saying it will be like ’Blackout’ or ’Animal Magnetism’ — that’s impossible, I think — but it will be different from what we’ve done in the last 10 years. It’s a totally different approach. And hopefully this works out. Right now, what I hear every day, it feels great and it’s a lot of fun and I can’t wait until we can share it with the fans.”
Albumin tämänhetkisestä tilanteesta Klaus kertoi haastattelussa seuraavaa:
”This situation gives us a little extra time. We had planned to release this new album later this year, but, unfortunately, it will be delayed until early 2021. And so it gives us some extra time. Also, to get prepared, when we pick up the tour again, there will be new songs in the setlist, there will be a whole new production, and I guess we will do a couple of videos, maybe, for some songs that will be released. And so there’s plenty of extra time. And it feels good that we can use this time and really make the best out of this situation right now instead of sitting at home and watching the grass grow. We came in here well prepared, because lots and lots of material we wrote already last year, and they’re still in the making and songwriting process — everybody comes up with bits and pieces. It’s really nice every day to come here and to see how all those elements come together and the feeling that we have hopefully a great rock album on the way is growing every day. And that’s really a good feeling.”