Scorpions saamassa valmiiksi tulevan albuminsa nauhoitukset: joutui vaihtamaan levyn tuottajaa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 28.3.2021

Saksalainen raskaan rockin legenda Scorpions on saamassa valmiiksi tulevan albuminsa nauhoitukset. Yhtyeen rumpali Mikkey Dee on vahvistanut asian tuoreessa Machine Headin Robb Flynnin kipparoiman No Fuckin’ Regrets With Robb Flynn -podcastin haastattelussa ja kertonut yhtyeen joutuneen vaihtamaan myös levyn tuottajan koronapandemian vuoksi. Yhtyeen tulevan albumin oli alunperin tarkoitus tuottaa Greg Fidelman mutta työskentely ei toiminut toivotunlaisesti etäyhteyksien kautta ja bändi päätyi lopulta pyytämään omaa teknikkoaan Hans-Martin Buffia toimimaan levyn tuottajana. Mikkey Deen mukaan levyn nauhoitukset olisi tarkoitus saada valmiiksi kahden seuraavan viikon kuluessa ja sen jälkeen levy lähetetään miksattavaksi Hansa studiossa työskentelevälle Michael Ilbertille. Dee kertoi tuottajan vaihdoksesta sekä albumin tämän hetkisestä tilanteesta seuraavaa:

”Unfortunately, because of this corona, we could not come to L.A., and [Greg] could not come to Germany. So we were trying for a whole month, via Zoom, to work on songs. And then he was with us [virtually] in the early evening, and we were working together on certain songs and arrangements. But it was almost impossible for him to get our feeling and for us to understand his feeling. So we decided that it was probably better that we were trying to do this on our own. And that’s what we’ve been doing. But I’m sure Greg would have put his magic ears to this album, and it would have been fantastic too. But, unfortunately, we had to make the best out of the situation. We were even talking about breaking in the fall, maybe in October or something already. We talked about maybe breaking the record and then come back and maybe fly to L.A. in February or March. We thought it’d be open by now. But look, here we are — it’s even worse than it was in October. So if we would have been sitting here now and broke the recording October, we would have wasted six months here.”

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”He was listening and working on this with us. But it’s really hard to get that feeling, of course. And when he wanted to change some stuff, we were sitting in the studio going, ’What does he fucking mean here?’ ’But it sounds great here.’ So it’s very hard to communicate [virtually]. But maybe next record — who knows? [So] we decided to move forward and continue recording and do the best we could. And we have Hans-Martin as an engineer. He’s brilliant, by the way. He worked on a lot, a lot of stuff for a lot of musicians. And he’s so fast, and he has a great ear, and he feels everybody on their instrument, which is important. He knows drums, he knows bass, he knows guitars, and they speak German as well, so that helps out when they can go at it and work on some stuff. Now, with this done, I think this is the only way we have to do it, and I think we chose the right way. Because if we would have stuck to really have Greg on this, we couldn’t even have started now. So who knows? Maybe we could have started in June or July [of this year]. We captured a moment when we all were fresh and really wanted to make a new album. Who knows what the feeling would have been if we started in June?”

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