Scorpionsin Klaus Meine: ”Ystävyys ja tiimityöskentely on ollut avain yhtyeemme menestykseen”
Juuri kunnioitettavat 70 vuotta täyttänyt Scorpions -yhtyeen laulaja Klaus Meine antoi hiljattain haastattelun Australian Heavy -lehdelle, jossa mies kertoi ystävyyden, henkilökemioiden ja hyvän tiimityöskentelyn vieneen yhtyeen näin pitkälle 40-vuotisen uran aikana. Saksalaisyhtyeen alku ei kuitenkaan ollut helppo, varsinkaan puutteellisen englannin kielen osaamisen vuoksi. Näin Meine kertoi haastattelussa:
”I think it’s the fact that the band’s been always based on friendship. The chemistry of this band has been always a very important part of it, and it was always about teamwork. Being a German band, we had a different kind of start, to go take our music all over Europe and then all over the world. There are not too many German bands who really broke worldwide, so it’s a very unique story about the Scorpions, but it has been always built on friendship and on teamwork. You can see it now after all these years. The passion is still there for what we’re doing, and we’re still excited to work hard and rock hard and win those fans over. It was difficult in times without social media, without Facebook and YouTube and all of that, but there was a stage everywhere, and even if it was a small stage or it was a small audience, we were always ready to go out and play live in front of rock fans. In ’77-’78, we went to Japan the first time, and then it was just a small step to go to America, and we became a part of the international rock family. But for a German band where English is not your mother language, it was not easy, but we felt this was our way — this was the way we wanted to go. By the time we came to America to share the stage with Ted Nugent, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Van Halen, all these bands, that was a tough competition. It was not easy, but it make this band very strong at the same time.”
Meine kertoi lisäksi Mikkey Deen (ex-Motörhead) tuoneen uutta potkua bändiin myös uuden materiaalin suhteen:
”In the last couple of years, we’ve been constantly touring, and there’s really little time to go into the studio. But, of course — with Mikkey Dee in the band, it gives us a whole new shot of energy, and he goes, ’Come on, guys — we’ve got to go into the studio and write a couple of new songs.’ 2018, we’re pretty much booked until the end of the year, but let’s see what the future will bring. It’s always great to go back into a state of creativity and go back to the studio, and hopefully there will be a time next year where we do this.”
Bändin edellinen albumi ”Born To Touch Your Feelings” julkaistiin viime vuonna.