Scorpionssin Rudolf Schenker: ”Axl Rosen ja AC/DC:n yhdistelmä on vähintäänkin outo”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 21.4.2016

Scorpions 2015Saksalaisen raskaan rockin legendan Scorpionssin kitaristi Rudolf Schenker on vieraillut hiljattain SiriusXM:n Eddie Trunk Livessä, jossa Schenkeriltä on kysytty mielipidettä AC/DC:n päätöksestä ottaa Guns N´ Rosesin vokalisti Axl Rose hoitamaan yhtyeen uran viimeiset keikat. Rudolf Schenker on kertonut haastattelussa koko kuvion olevan vähintäänkin outo ja toivottaa samassa myös hyvää jatkoa ystävälleen Brian Johnsonille. Voit lukea Schenkerin ajatuksia AC/DC:n ja Axl Rosen yhteistyöstä tästä:

”When I heard about this AC/DC thing, I felt very sorry about Brian, because Brian is a fantastic guy. I think he has to go into the comedian land, because, I mean, we spent a few nights until the morning — four, six o’clock at the Rihga Royal Hotel in New York — with Brian. It was fantastic. And when he talks, when he explains you something, he tells stories, it’s a journey where you are so completely connected [to] what he is saying. So, in this case, I feel very sorry for him. I think he still even it was a hard time for him to take over from Bon Scott, but he did a fantastic job.”

”I don’t know. It feels for me a little bit like… You remember the time when DEEP PURPLE’s Ian Gillan became the singer of BLACK SABBATH? I’ll tell you one thing: it’s somehow strange, but in this situation, I think Axl will go a good job when he is in the right mood, because I think he can sing the stuff. But somehow, after seeing Brian singing so often with AC/DC, he always, even when he had a party night, he did a great job. And I feel very sorry, I feel very unhappy that Brian can’t do the job. And, yeah, whether Axl can do it… I don’t know.”

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”I heard always good things about appearances by Axl and GUNS N’ ROSES. I met very often [GUNS N’ ROSES guitarist] Slash and I always asked him, ’Hey, guys, you guys have to be together again.’ And he said, ’Yeah. Then ask Axl.’ So now they are playing together and then you’re hearing this news that feels for me a little bit strange. Because, on one hand, it’s great that the band is back again, GUNS N’ ROSES. On the other hand, the singer already confirms to AC/DC. It’s a little bit strange, in one way. For me, as a rock musician, as a guy who knows the history of GUNS N’ ROSES and also the history of AC/DC especially… We had a very, very, very good relationship with AC/DC, because AC/DC was very complicated in handling with other bands. But we always were in a fantastic way. So I hope, yeah, that everything works well for both — for GUNS N’ ROSES and also for AC/DC.”