Scott Ianilta tuoretta päivitystä Anthraxin tulevaan albumiin liittyen: Toivoo yhtyeen saavan levyn nauhoitukset pakettiin vuoden 2023 loppuun mennessä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 3.8.2023

Yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metal -legenda Anthraxin kitaristi Scott Ian on antanut hiljattain haastattelun Sirius XM:n Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk -ohjelmalle, jossa on antanut tuoreen päivityksen yhtyeen parhaillaan nauhoituksen alla olevaan albumiin liittyen. Ianin mukaan hän on kesäkuussa nauhoittanut albumille yhdeksään kappaleeseen jo kitarat valmiiksi ja suunnitelmissa olisi elokuun aikana antaa bändin laulajalle Joey Belladonnalle kolme kappaletta lyriikoiden viimeistelyä varten. Ian kertoi toivovansa yhtyeen saavan tulevan albuminsa valmiiksi jouluun 2023 mennessä ja sanoi levyn tilanteesta tarkalleen seuraavaa:

”Not far. But we had a session here in L.A. Charlie [Benante, ANTHRAX drummer], Frank [Bello, ANTHRAX bassist] and I tracked nine songs. I finished the guitars on those right before we went to New York, so I don’t know — sometime end of June; something like that. Frank is currently in L.A. tracking bass on those nine songs. I’m going to the studio Friday… Since I’ve had time, like a month, to live with my guitar tracks, I’ve heard like lots of things that I think are very cool to kind of add. So I’m going in on Friday and spending a day doing some overdubs. [Jonathan] Donais [ANTHRAX guitarist] is already working on solos back east at his home studio. And I am working on lyrics. So I think we’re well into it, let’s put it that way. There’s gonna be another recording session October, maybe November. Charlie’s got these two windows to get in, ’cause we have another four or five [songs] we want to track. We’re hoping, if things just stay on the very loose schedule we have, I’d like to think by Christmas, New Year’s, we’ll have most of this wrapped up. Maybe not mixed, but certainly all recorded by then.”

”My goal is to have three songs ready for [ANTHRAX singer Joey Belladonna] to start on next month. Joey, it doesn’t take him very long. Once he kind of wraps his head around it and kind of runs it through his filter, he’s a fast worker. So once he starts, it doesn’t take long. It’s more, I think, the ones on me of being happy with the lyrics I’m writing. ’Cause I actually had, like, three or four songs written months ago, and then I revisited them like a month ago and I threw ’em all in the garbage; I was, like, ’This is crap.’ But I’m in a much better place with that now.”

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