”Se oli brutaalia” – Entinen Exoduksen laulaja kertoo kamppailustaan koronatartunnan kanssa
Koronavirusepidemia on hankaloittanut ihmisten normaaliarkea jo usean kuukauden ajan ja olemme kuulleet monien muusikoidenkin sairastuneen koronaviruksen aiheuttamaan COVID-19- tautiin.
Nyt Generation Killin nokkamies Rob Dukes (ex-Exodus) on kertonut Talking Metal-podcastissa käyneensä taudin läpi ja olevansa toipumassa. Hän epäili saaneensa tartunnan osallistuttuaan Overkillin konserttiin maaliskuun alussa Phoenixissa.
Haastattelussa Dukes kertoi päätyneensä sairaalaan ja tunteneensa olonsa kipeämmäksi kuin koskaan:
”I pretty much ended up in the hospital, but only for 12 hours and then I got quarantined for two weeks at home and was on steroids and a bunch of different other drugs to try to keep me from getting pneumonia. So that’s what I did. I stayed home for a couple of weeks. I had really bad bronchitis. I was coughing so much that it hurt my chest and my throat was all tore up — I was coughing blood. I couldn’t sleep — achy, feverish for the first week. And then I just kept drinking a ton of fucking water — that’s kind of what I did; I was drinking a ton of water. And it was really hard to eat. But then, as soon as I got better, I fucking went on a fucking tear. I probably put on 10 pounds since then.”
Laulajan mukaan hänen oli myös hankala hengittää ja hän tunsi olonsa hyvin heikoksi:
”At one point, I was in the shower, and I had to go lay down. I was, like, ’All right. I’m done.’ I took a cold shower to try to cool my body off, and then I just went and lay in bed. And then another time, I was laying on a couch… I had my wireless headset thing in the car. And I was, like, ’Oh, let me go grab that.’ And I just walked to my car, which is probably 50 feet. And by the time I got to my car and got back, I had to go lay down for an hour, ’cause I was just so exhausted. It was brutal, man.”
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