Sebastian Bach: ”En ymmärrä, miksi ihmiset hyväksyvät tosi-TV-tähden presidentiksi”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 2.7.2018

Entinen Skid Row-laulaja Sebastian Bach on avautunut mielipiteistään USA:n aselakeja koskien sekä presidentti Trumpin valinnasta virkaan. Viime vaaleissa Hilary Clintonia äänestänyt Bach on kertonut TheRecord.comin haastattelussa näin:

”I’ve lost friends on Facebook for sticking up for gun control. I can’t take it. We literally wake up in fear. Was there a school shooting or fascist rally? Did a nuclear bomb get dropped? I don’t understand how anybody would accept a reality-show host as president instead of a politician. It’s insanity. It’s like starting a band and your first show is at Toronto SkyDome. You gotta build up to it.”

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Sebastian Bach on jo viime syksynä maininnut Metal Injectionille olevansa ärsyyntynyt Donald Trumpin toiminnasta:

”Well, since Donald Trump became president, Facebook became not fun for me. Every headline sucks, everything sucks and I get to the point where I can’t take it! All of that news, constantly, day after day, week after week, it gets me down and it gets me in a bad mood. I don’t know about everybody else, but when I read about nuclear war, I find it hard to get on with my day. I thought we got rid of that nuclear war conversation in the ’70s! It gets me very sad and angry at the same time. Climate change makes me angry. It makes me mad that people deny that when the world is fucked. It makes me furious.”

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