Sebastian Bach ja Chris Jericho tukkanuottasilla: Bach syyttää Jerichoa taustanauhojen käytöstä laulussa
Skid Row’n keulamiehenä tunnetuksi tullut laulaja Sebastian Bach ja Fozzyn laulaja Chris Jericho ovat ajautuneet pienimuotoiseen sanaharkkaan Twitterissä kuluvan viikon aikana. Kaikki alkoi Bachin nostettua fanin tviittiin vastatessaan esille väitteen siitä, että Chris Jericho ei laula itse keikoillaan, vaan turvautuu taustanauhoihin. Bach väitti kaikkien Jerichosta näkemiensä videoiden olevan sellaisia, joissa hän ei laula oikeasti, ja hän vertasikin Jerichoa Milli Vanilliin. Viestien tavoitettua Jerichon hän koki kommentit halventavina, etenkin, koska hän on pitänyt Sebastian Bachia ystävänään. Näin laulajien välille muodostui sapelien kalistelua Twitterin välityksellä. Myös Fozzy-kitaristi Rich Ward kommentoi asiaa, ja myöhemmin Bach ilmoittikin Wardin estäneen hänet. Bach myös pyrki selventämään kommenttejaan vastailemalla fanien tviitteihin. Voit lukea tviitit aiheesta alapuolelta:
Man @IAmJericho is starting to look like @sebastianbach #aew
— Travis Walsh (@TravisDrago) July 16, 2020
He definitely does considering that he mimes to a tape
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) July 16, 2020
I sing my ass off every night dude. Do you really wanna go there?
— Chris Jericho (@IAmJericho) July 16, 2020
Wow! My band is more popular than @sebastianbach !! #lipsynchers
— Chris Jericho (@IAmJericho) July 16, 2020
Cool let's see a clip of that then because every single clip I have seen is Milli vanilli
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) July 16, 2020
Ok gloves are off. You “starred”…along with 59 other people. Let’s stop this now.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy— Chris Jericho (@IAmJericho) July 16, 2020
Hi… I’m Chris “Milli Vanilli” Jericho. I have 5 top 30 singles in the last five years w my band @FOZZYROCK. I’m a huge fan of @sebastianbach … who had 3 top 30 singles 30 years ago. I always admired him as a singer and a friend! And I still do.
— Chris Jericho (@IAmJericho) July 16, 2020
That's great is there a clip of you actually singing live? Because all I have seen are clips of you miming to a tape. Congrats on the radio hits and your hair is certainly looking good these days 👍
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) July 16, 2020
I’ve seen the derogatory comments towards me from somebody I considered to be a friend. So with that in mind, I’ll be happy to have a SING OFF w @sebastianbach! No effects, no tuning, no bullshit. Bas is a great singer…but I’m better. You’ve got my number dude. Call me.
— Chris Jericho (@IAmJericho) July 16, 2020
Where is the derogatory comment? All I asked is to see one single clip of you singing live. Every clip on the Internet is you miming to a tape. I will sing in your f****** face anytime. Wrestling is not rock and roll. I will show you f****** rock and roll.
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) July 16, 2020
I’ve never mimed anything ever! And I don’t use *** in a tweet ever. I will fucking sing in your face anytime, anyplace dude. I’ve been a fan & a defender of u since day one…but don’t u ever question my rock abilities! And leave wrestling out of this…I can hit a G4 brah!
— Chris Jericho (@IAmJericho) July 16, 2020
I'm not trying to beat anybody at anything. I'm actually trying to say hey Chris maybe you're right maybe I'll stop singing live and prance around while the tape is playing just like you do Chris. I'm tired of trying so hard it's like beating my head against the wall.
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) July 16, 2020
I'm not dissing it, I'm just saying that it's complete bullshit. But you're fine with that
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) July 16, 2020
I'm not shiting on anybody. I'm saying that singing live is different then jumping around on a stage doing moves to a tape
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) July 16, 2020
I don't know why I'm trending I'm just drunk sitting alone in my bed
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) July 16, 2020
Someone just notified me that my name is the number 9 trending Twitter topic in the United States of America. Okay well I better go to bed 😷💯😷
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) July 16, 2020
It's amazing you regurgitate my own tweet about copying me in your own tweet it's like the exact same tweet. Explain this clip please advise
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) July 16, 2020
Well he better reach up then 😅😷
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) July 16, 2020
I am not going against anybody. It's obvious between the two of us that one of us is copying the other as far as being a rockstar goes. I can guarantee you that that is not me.
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) July 16, 2020
2/2 Jericho is loyal and was always quick to defend a guy that he considered a friend. Seeing Sebastian publicly go after the only guy that I have ever witness utter a nice word about him is sad.
— Rich Ward (@thedukeofmetal) July 16, 2020
So this guy calls me 'sad' + I really would like to know why. I'm not sad at all. I'm happy that you guys get to live your fantasy of rock and roll. But please, don't pretend that u do what I do. Are we supposed to pretend that this is live? Come on man🙄
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) July 16, 2020
If there is one single clip of Chris Jericho singing live on the internet please post it. Would love to see just one clip
— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) July 17, 2020
If you think that this is live singing I am never going to sing live in concert ever again. This could not be more fake if it was a cartoon— Sebastian Bach™️ (@sebastianbach) July 17, 2020