Sepultura julkaisi uuden albumin nimen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 4.3.2011

Brasilialainen metalli yhtye Sepultura on asettanut uuden albuminsa nimeksi ”Kairos”. Albumi tullaan julkaisemaan joko myöhään keväästä tai varhain kesällä Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen kitaristin Andreas Kisserin virallinen viesti levyyn liittyen.

”The whole theme of the album is the concept of the time, and the title reflects that — it’s like one concept of time which is not chronological, from one to two; it’s like a an instant in time, it’s a special time of change…”

”Everyone’s life is written by [their] choices — you have many ’kairos’ moments, like if you go [from] point A [to point] B [to point] C, you are driven by your choices or your guidance; you have to go either one way or the other. And that’s the kind of time we talked about — not about aging or getting old or going back [in time]; it’s just [about those important] moments that can change everything. Like Martin Luther King’s speech in Washington D.C. that day, it was a ’kairos’ moment that changed the world, pretty much, the direction that we talked about certain things and the way we lived our lives, etc. And in that respect that’s what we thought about [in regards to] SEPULTURA itself — 26 years of history and the moment where we are now; why we’re here; why we’re doing this album and why we have what we have; the changes we have inside and outside the band. It’s a collection of ’kairos’ [moments] that [got us] here. It’s being inspired by our own biography, but mostly [focusing] on what SEPULTURA is today. It’s the opposite of [nostalgia] — it’s living the moment. Nostalgia is being in the past, trying to relive stuff, and we’re not doing that; we’re doing something new today.”

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