Kuva: Travis Shinn

Serj Tankian avaa System Of A Downin sisäisiä haasteita tuoreessa haastattelussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.5.2024

System Of A Downista tunnettu laulaja Serj Tankian, julkaisi hiljattain elämäkerran nimeltä ”Down With The System” Hachette Booksin kautta. Tankian on antanut kirjastaan haastattelun CBC Radio Onen Tom Powerille, jossa on avannut jälleen yhtyeen ongelmia, mitä tulee uuden musiikin kirjoittamiseen. Tankian on haastattelussa avannut varsin tarkasti omia ongelmiaan System Of A Downin toisen kappaleiden kirjoittajan Daron Malakianin kanssa. Voit lukea mitä kerrottavaa Tankianilla oli aiheeseen liittyen tästä:

”Well, changing the dynamic is basically years of time and the progression of the band, the success of the band, everything that happened in between the day that we met and now, basically, so 25, 30 years. A lot changes in that time. And so I think that’s a part of it.

Daron’s been a lifer and he’s incredibly serious about his music and he’s incredibly protective of his music and vulnerable due to his music. All of those things kind of go together. So it’s those things, I think, that created some of the creative differences that we started finding. And it’s also our progression.

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”Listen, when Daron and I started working together, I didn’t really write a lot of instrumental music — I mostly wrote lyrics; I was the lyricist; I was the singer. And he didn’t write any lyrics; he just wrote music. But as time progressed and I played more musical instruments and I started becoming a songwriter/composer and he started writing more lyrics, we started kind of covering each other’s territory.

”And I was okay with that. If he wrote lyrics, I was trying to encourage him to write more, because I believe in artistic growth. I believe in progression. I don’t believe in things staying the same way, for music’s sake. Otherwise the music becomes the same thing over and over again. That progression is necessary in every artist’s life or in every group’s life.

”So I was very encouraging of that. And I just wish that I got some of that back. And so that wasn’t the case, and it was disappointing. And it became a creative difference over the band’s path, and whatnot, over time.”

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