Sevendust julkaisee uuden albuminsa heinäkuussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 28.3.2015

Sevendust 2015Yhdysvaltalainen metalliyhtye Sevendust on saanut valmiiksi järjestyksessään kymmenennen albuminsa. Yhtye aikoo julkaista tulevan albuminsa heinäkuun aikana. Levy on nauhoitettu Architekt Music studiossa New Jerseyssä. Yhtyeen kitaristi John Connolly on kommentoinut yhtyeen tulevaa albumia Loudwiren haastattelussa seuraavasti:

”It’s funny, you come out of acoustic world and immediately you’re, like, ’All right, let’s get metal again. Let’s get heavy.'”

”There’s a lot of heavy on this one, but there’s also a lot of melody. There’s a lot of spillover from where our headspace was at on an acoustic perspective, which is great.

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”I love being as heavy as we can be but Lajon [Witherspoon], he’s a melodic singer, and I think he’s going to be excited about a lot of stuff. As heavy as we’re trying to be, there’s still a ton of melody on it.

”I know Clint [Lowery, guitar] is busy writing a ton of demos and everyone is trying to get back into that headspace.”

”We’ve had such a good time during the last two records, collaborating together as a five-piece which is something we haven’t done since the first album. All we had was a rehearsal room, each other, paying the rent and a few shows. Someone would come up with a riff or a demo and bring it in and we’d really hammer it out as a band. We had so much fun on ’Black Out the Sun’ and ’Time Travelers & Bonfires’, really, just being in each other’s face instead of wondering is this going to work or is that going to work?

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”Having five cooks in the kitchen at all times, most times, with most bands can be counterproductive, but for us, it just works so much better for us; we’re so much more efficient. We’re much happier without the guesswork. You play a riff, then Vinny [Hornsby, bass] starts playing, then Clint comes in, and questions get answered, and then you move on to the next thing.

”It’s the stuff that we create together that’s usually the stuff that gets us the most excited.”