Sevendust julkaisee uuden albuminsa tänä vuonna: ”Varmistamme, että se tapahtuu”
Viime syksynä yhdysvaltalainen metalliyhtye Sevendust vietti aikaa studiossa uutta levyä valmistellen, ja nyt laulaja Lajon Witherspoon on kertonut yhtyeen kuulumisia Cutter’s Rockcast -lähetyksessä. Yhtye on joutunut muokkaamaan alkuperäisiä suunnitelmiaan tälle vuodelle, mutta laulaja toivoo, että yhtye pääsisi kuitenkin tien päälle. Uuden albumin julkaisupäivä on vielä hämärän peitossa. Witherspoon kertoi lähetyksessä seuraavaa:
”It’s kind of like being all at a roundtable and everybody talking, and at the end of it, we really still don’t know what’s going on with what’s going on in the world. The last time we had a conference through text, we were talking about starting to tour, but being able to tour, we’re gonna be able to do that in towns and cities that are allowing it. And who knows? That could be four months down the, or two months. I don’t know. The way things are looking, people are partying like it’s 1999. I don’t know what is gonna happen. But that’s our plan — to make sure we’re out there. Not like a full-on, SEVENDUST is banging down the doors and playing every city every night, but hopefully we’ll get to some happy medium where we can come in and do three or four nights in different towns that are safe and we’re going and abiding by until we know what’s going on with this.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
Witherspoon sanoi kuitenkin varmaksi, että uusi albumi tulee vielä tämän vuoden puolella:
”I do know that the album will be coming out within this year. We’re going to make sure that that happens; I think I’m able to say that. That being said, how ironic is it that we had this album, and we thought it was gonna be out by now, or around now, and we did a cover, ’The Day I Tried To Live’, and that was probably one of the hardest things for me to grasp my head around. I love every Chris Cornell song, every SOUNDGARDEN song, and I would love to do it all… So I decided to put all my heart and soul and energy [into it], like I do with anything, and I thought it turned out beautiful. But who would have ever thought that it would be the first thing that we would release from this album? But in these times, that song, for whatever reason, seemed to be so fitting to what’s going on. And we just thought it would be really a good move for us to get something out there from SEVENDUST in these crazy times, and that song, I think, was a good move, and I hope that people enjoy it.”
Voit katsoa haastattelun kokonaisuudessaan tästä:
Sevendustin coverin Soundgardenin kappaleesta ”The Day I Tried To Live” voit ottaa kuunteluun tästä: