Shadow Of Intent julkisti uuden rumpalinsa: video ”Gravesinger”-kappaleesta katsottavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 12.8.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisen deathcorea soittavan Shadow Of Intentin rumpali Anthony Barone on päättänyt jättää yhtyeen. Yhtye on nimennyt uudeksi rumpalikseen mm. Abigail Williamsin rivistössä nykyisin soittavan Bryce Butlerin. Yhtye julkisti tiedon uudesta rumpalistaan julkaisemalla samassa yhteydessä myös videon ”Gravesinger”-kappaleestaan, ja voit katsoa sen tästä:

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Bändillä oli rumpalin vaihdoksesta ja uudesta videosta seuraavaa kerrottavaa:

“Today we must announce that we have parted ways with our friend and drummer Anthony Barone. His contributions to the band have been amazing and we have no doubt he will have an incredible future in whatever path he follows. Anthony’s statement can be seen here:

“Unfortunately, the time has come for me to part ways with Shadow Of Intent. Recently I chose to pursue some other opportunities that began to interfere with my commitment to the band. So, I’ve decided it’s best that they continue on without me. I want to thank everyone who has supported me during my time with Shadow, and I wish them nothing but the best moving forward!”

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”With that being said, we are very pleased to announce our friend Bryce Butler will be taking over the drum position as of today. Bryce has been our touring drummer ever since Melancholy was released and has absolutely nailed our drum parts for every show we’ve had with him.

Some of you may have seen Bryce performing with groups such as The Faceless, Galactic Empire, or Abigail Williams. We are very excited to see what he brings to the table musically for the band and we are very excited to continue working on the next record with him.

We also are pleased to present our new music video for ’Gravesinger’. The video was shot and edited by our good friend Dylan Gould who captured many special moments of us on our recent headline tour. Enjoy the video and relive some of those nights with us, we hope to see you all soon!”

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