Shadow Of Intentin Ben Duerrin entinen kumppani selventää väkivaltasyytöksiä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 9.2.2025

Shadow of Intent -yhtyeen laulajan Ben Duerrin entinen kumppani Brittney Carroll on julkaissut lausunnon Lambgoat-sivustolle koskien aiemmin esitettyjä lähisuhdeväkivaltasyytöksiä.

Carroll kuvailee suhdetta ”myrkylliseksi” ja kertoo sen päättyneen hiljattain. Hän selvensi aiemmin jakamiensa videoiden ja kuvien taustoja:

”Ben ja minä olimme pitkään myrkyllisessä suhteessa. Emme yksinkertaisesti sopineet yhteen. Ben on erinomainen isä Maxille, mutta raskausaikana hän ei kohdellut minua hyvin. Molemmat syyllistyimme henkiseen väkivaltaan, kuten myrkyllisissä suhteissa usein käy.”

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Carroll kertoo Duerrin ainoan tarkoituksellisen fyysisen väkivaltateon tapahtuneen, kun tämä heitti hänet lattialle hänen epäillessään olevansa raskaana. Carroll paljasti olevansa jälleen raskaana, eikä halua toistaa aiempaa kierrettä.

”Halusin vain asioiden selviävän, en erota. Nyt ymmärrän olleeni tyhmä ajatellessani niin. Kukaan ei olisi voinut pelastaa suhdettamme. Tämä on viimeinen lausuntoni asiasta. Haluan jatkaa eteenpäin ja parantua.”

Voit lukea Brittney Carrollin lausunnon kokonaisuudessaan tästä:

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“Most of you don’t know me, but I owe everyone an explanation for the video and pictures I posted. Ben and I have been struggling in a toxic relationship for a long time. Essentially we’re just not compatible. I love him and I don’t think that will ever go away. He’s the best dad I could ask for for Max. Unfortunately though, I was not treated well when I was pregnant with Max.

I’m not going to go into that because it’s mental abuse and no one understands or cares about shit like that. And I’ll be real – we were emotionally abusing each other. Even if we didn’t know it at the time. Because that’s what happens in toxic relationships.
It’s almost never just one person who is the problem. Just comes down to us not being compatible, as I said.

The only time Ben ever intentionally physically hurt me was when he threw me across the floor when I thought I was pregnant. The arm bruises came from him holding my arms and the skids on my knees were obviously from skidding across the carpet. Ben‘s not very good with personal space and we would end up both getting hurt when I was trying to get away from him. That’s why I would usually just lock myself in the bathroom.

When I was pregnant I recorded him because it was the only way I could protect myself and Max. Stress obviously isn’t good for a baby and this is my issue with Ben. He just didn’t take me being pregnant seriously. So why is this all coming up now? Well I just found out I’m pregnant again and I am absolutely unwilling to repeat that cycle.

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These babies deserve better. So I foolishly went to the Internet thinking that people would just tell him you can’t do that and he would stop (because unfortunately none of his “friends” who I originally went to with this information were willing to tell him that it wasn’t okay. No one wants to tell Ben shit because fuck – he’s Ben).

I didn’t want to leave him. I just wanted us to finally figure shit out. Now I see that I was stupid for thinking like that. No one could have saved our relationship. And that’s all it is. Just a shitty ass ending to almost 10 years of trying. So currently while yes I do have some support – most people are just shitting all over me and it’s disgusting. This is the last I will say regarding this situation. I just want to move on and try to heal.”