Shinedown julkaisi ensimmäisen singlen tulevalta albumiltaan – kuuntele ”Planet Zero”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 26.1.2022

Yhdysvaltalainen rockyhtye Shinedown on nimennyt tulevan albuminsa ”Planet Zero”, ja se julkaistaan huhtikuun 22. päivä Atlantic Recordsin kautta. Tulevalta albumilta on julkaistu ensimmäisenä singlenä sen nimikkokappale, josta laulaja Brent Smith kertoo seuraavaa:

“If we shut each other down and allow ourselves to be divided by the information we consume and the way we talk to each other, we lose our humanity. When you look outside of your phone, you’ll see there are so many people doing good things and trying to take care of each other. But we’re starting to see parts of society slip into an unknown. ‘Planet Zero‘ was written for all of us. The fact is that we’re all here on this planet no matter what, so it’s time to actually move forward together with empathy, perseverance and strength. With that said….welcome to ‘Planet Zero‘.”

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Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen
Mainos päättyy

Tulevasta albumista Smith kertoi puolestaan seuraavaa:

“A glimpse into the future if we continue with the way we’re treating each other. This record is a warning, in a lot of ways, to everyone. It’s not a record for the right, it’s not a record for the left…for Black, white, Asian, Hispanic. It’s a record for all of us. There are a lot of really inspiring songs, a lot of songs with a lot of humanity in them, but it’s a glimpse into a potential future and it’s a warning that if we don’t start to view everything through a human lens…we could be headed for a really, really bad place.”


Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeenMainos päättyy
  1. 2184
  2. No Sleep Tonight
  3. Planet Zero
  4. Welcome
  5. Dysfunctional You
  6. Dead Don’t Die
  7. Standardized Experiences
  8. America Burning
  9. Do Not Panic
  10. A Symptom Of Being Human
  11. Hope
  12. A More Utopian Future
  13. Clueless And Dramatic
  14. Sure Is Fun
  15. Daylight
  16. This Is A Warning
  17. The Saints Of Violence And Innuendo
  18. Army Of The Underappreciated
  19. Delete
  20. What You Wanted