Shinedown julkaisi minidokkarin juuri ilmestyneen ”Attention Attention!”-albumin teosta

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 9.5.2018

Kuudennen studioalbuminsa juuri julkaissut yhdysvaltalainen rock-yhtye Shinedown on julkaissut myös minidokkarin uunituoreen ”Attention Attention” -albuminsa teosta. Yhtyeen laulaja Brent Smith on kuvaillut uuden levyn teemaa Substream Magazinen haastattelussa näin:

”The whole record is a journey, a psychological, emotional, and a physical journey and everything takes place inside of the room. The way that the album is laid out from the beginning to the middle to the finale, that’s the entire story, and that’s what it encompasses. It’s a very… it is indeed a journey. We want the listener to put themselves in this room. I won’t lie to you, the room is a scary place, but it’s necessary that we all step inside. You cannot be afraid to fail. ”Attention Attention!” is about how people allow their fears and self-doubts to paralyze them. They are so scared of trying something new solely because it is new, and that is no way to live. I don’t think that you’ll be defined by your failures, I think you’ll be defined by the fact that you didn’t give up and the record is also a lot about humanity, man. It’s about not losing that emotion, or I should say those emotions, that we all have as human beings, you know? It’s also a bit of a warning to the public. We live in a very technologically advanced world. That’s a wonderful thing, but you need to take a break from it at times, or else it will steal your soul. I think that human connection, just being in front of someone and conversing with them, is incredibly important. I don’t want people to lose their humanity.”

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