Shinedown julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon ”Get Up”-motivaatiokappaleensa kiertuemateriaalista
Yhdysvaltalaisyhtye Shinedown on julkaissut tuoreimmalta ”Attention Attention!” -studioalbumilta löytyvän ”Get Up” –kappaleensa kiertuemateriaalista kootun musiikkivideon. Yhtyeen laulaja Brent Smith on kertonut Classic Rock -lehden haastattelussa kappaleen kertovan ystävästään ja bändin basistina toimivasta Eric Bassista, joka kamppailee pitkäaikaisen masennuksen kanssa:
”Get Up” is one of the quintessential songs on the record. I wrote the lyrics to ’Get Up’ about Eric, who produced and mixed the record. Eric faces what is considered to be clinical depression on a daily basis. Some days everything is great, some days the sky is falling in. Often he’ll tell me he wishes he could unscrew part of his skull, reach into his brain and take that part of him out and throw it away. But it is a part of him, and he has to work with it. He doesn’t have to like it, but he has to respect it. And as a band, we all respect him because of it. It was one of the songs that took the longest to write because I was afraid what Eric was going to think. So this is the part of the record when a person has to have a heart-to-heart chat with themselves in that chair. It’s a very conversational piece.”
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Motivaatiokappaleen musiikkivideolla voit havaita videomateriaalia myös Helsingistä, jossa Shinedown esiintyi joulukuussa Euroopan-kiertueellaan: