Shinedownin Brent Smith toivoo bändin julkaisevan seuraavan albuminsa kesäkuussa 2021
Yhdysvaltalaisen rockyhtye Shinedownin laulaja Brent Smith on paljastanut tuoreessa Full Metal Jackielle antamassaan haastattelussa toivovansa bändin julkaisevan seuraavan albuminsa kesäkuussa 2021. Brent on haastattelussa valottanut hieman yhtyeen tulevaisuudensuunnitelmia kertoen aikovansa julkaista elokuussa uuden ”Smith & Myers” -albumin bändin kitaristin Zach Myersin kanssa ja sen jälkeen alkaa työstää Shinedownin seuraavaa albumia, joka toivottavasti ilmestyy kesäkuussa 2021. Brent on kertonut yhtyeen suunnitelmista seuraavaa:
”We are finishing out the final edits on the ’Attention Attention’ major motion picture. So, that’s being created right now and finally coming into the fold to where we’re getting ready to release it to the world, which we’re extremely excited about, ’cause it’s been almost three years in the making. But transitioning to the next album, I’ve gotta wait and see what happens. We’re not really gonna start writing it, I don’t believe, until after the ’Deep Dive’ tour, so we’re not looking at even beginning ’Shinedown VII,’ the writing phase, until probably late May, the beginning of June this year. I’m hoping to have a record out by June of 2021. But also me and [SHINEDOWN guitarist] Zach Myers, we’re gonna be going into the studio in Malibu to work on the second installment of a brand new SMITH & MYERS record, which hopefully is gonna be released by August of this year — maybe at the latest October. But we’re gonna do a double album, so we’re gonna do 10 covers, or tributes — however you wanna put it — and we’re gonna do, for the first time, 10 original songs, me and Zach, for that project. So, we’ve got a lot of creative going on right now.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”But to answer the question [of what the musical and lyrical approach of the next SHINEDOWN album is going to be]… It’s not easy to answer, to be honest with you. The universe will tell me when it’s time to go. And right now, there’s a lot of creative going on. But I don’t have an answer just this second for what ’Shinedown VII’ is gonna be. I don’t think it’s time yet to know what that is. But when it’s time, it’ll let me know.”