Sick Of It All julkaisi uuden albumin tiedot

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 12.9.2011

New Yorkin hardcore legenda Sick Of It All juhlistaa 25-vuotista taivaltaan  julkaisemalla ”Nonstop” nimeä kantavan albumin, joka sisältää 20 kappaletta uudelleen nauhoitettuja klassikoita. Albumi julkaistaan Euroopassa 31. lokakuuta Century Median kautta. Lue lisää nähdäksesi kappalelistan, sekä yhtyeen omat kommentit albumista.


01. Clobberin’ Time
02. Injustice System!
03. Sanctuary
04. Scratch The Surface
05. Us Vs. Them
06. The Deal
07. Just Look Around
08. Ratpack
09. World Full Of Hate
10. Pushed Too Far
11. GI Joe Headstomp
12. Never Measure Up
13. Chip Away
14. Busted
15. Locomotive
16. My Life
17. Friends Like You
18. Relentless
19. No Labels
20. Built To Last

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”It was a fun recording session, and a relatively easy one because we’re so used to playing so many of these songs live. They’re like second nature. Most of these songs make their way into our live sets all the time, so they’re current — they reach new ears and are constantly refreshed by their exposure to a brand new audience. It’s not like they had to be dusted off.

”We changed tempos mostly and some of the arrangements, but we didn’t want to do anything too drastic. We wanted to keep most of the songs true to the originals, but with a more powerful sound that we feel makes them all they can be.”

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