Sick Of It Allin Lou Koller: ”En usko että hardcore- tai metallikeikat palautuvat normaaliksi ennen vuotta 2022”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 24.8.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisen hardcoren pioneereihin lukeutuvan Sick Of It Allin laulaja Lou Koller ei ole kovinkaan vakuuttunut siitä, että hänen yhtyeensä pääsisi keikkalavoille vielä ensi vuodenkaan aikana. Koller on antanut hiljattain italialaiselle Poisoned Rockille haastattelun, jossa on kertonut uskovansa metalli- ja hardcorekeikkojen palautuvan täysin normaaliksi vasta vuonna 2022. Koller jakoi ajatuksiaan aiheesta seuraavasti:

”The only thing concrete we have is we did a lot of what we call ’test’ videos where we recorded songs together remotely. And they’re old songs — it’s nothing brand new — but we did about six of ’em. And we’re gonna release those. We weren’t gonna actually release ’em at first — they were just gonna be tests — but we were, like, ’Let’s just release ’em for fun. Hopefully the fans will like it.’

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We have tours booked for next year here in the States and in Europe. Everything’s been shifted from this year to next year, but I don’t know if it’s gonna come through yet. I’m banking that I think 2022 will be the year that everything starts to get back to normal. ’Cause personally, if they allow us to tour, but they say, ’Okay, but you can only have half the amount of people. Everything has to stand…’ I’ve seen videos of bands doing shows — there was a metal band called THUNDERMOTHER or MOTHER THUNDER, and I couldn’t believe it. I’m watching these people on stage playing great music going wild, and the people are sitting in little corrals separated from each other just staring. It’s, like, that’s not rock and roll; that’s not metal.”

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