SikTh tekee paluun

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.12.2013

Sikth 2013Englantilainen metallia soittava SikTh aikoo tehdä paluun ja esiintyä ensi vuonna järjestettävällä Download -festivaalilla. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen kitaristin Dan Wellerin haastattelu aiheeseen liittyen Metal Hammer -lehden kanssa.

“My first fear is that people would think that we were doing it for some kind of monetary reason, but that’s genuinely not the reason. We’re really proud of what we’ve achieved in the past, and I guess that we’ve realised that we still love the songs and we miss playing them together. Truth be told, I’ve been holding back for a while, because I’ve been busy as a producer, but when I was at Download this year I bumped into our booking agent, and I said I’d be up for doing it next year. I met up with the guys, we had a few beers and said, ‘If we have the right conditions and we feel that we can put on a good show, let’s do it!’ Learning those songs again is a fucking workout! Ha ha ha!”

Mieheltä kysyttäessä yhtyeen tulevaisuuden suunnitelmista Downloadin jälkeen:

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Mainos päättyy

“Nothing yet. Nothing at all. We wanted to come back and do a really great gig and see how it goes. We’ve got new bands, we have obligations to our careers, but equally, we do want to make new SikTh music in the future at some point. This is a one-off gig for now, and then we’ll see how it goes…”