Simon Johansson Soilworkin vakituiseksi kitaristiksi
Ruotsalainen metalliyhtye Soilwork on päättänyt vakinaistaa kitaristi Simon Johanssonin aseman yhtyeessä. Johansson saapui yhtyeseen kiertuekitaristiksi vuonna 2019 ja nyt bändi on päättänyt vakinaistaa kitaristin pestin yhtyeessä. Bändi on julkaissut aiheesta virallisen viestin ja voit lukea sen tästä:
”We are excited to finally welcome Simon Johansson to the Soilwork family as a permanent member. Simon has been with us on a session basis since 2019 and not only has he proven himself to be a solid guitar player, but also a humble human being and a true gentleman in some of the most challenging years of the band’s history. We love you and we are grateful that you are part of our band”.
Simon Johansson kommentoi oman asemansa vakinaistamista seuraavasti:
”I’m super stoked and very humbled to be the new guitarist in Soilwork. I have been a fan of the band since way back and now to be a part of the Soilwork legacy is a huge honor. We first started to work together in 2019 when I joined as their session touring guitarist and during this time my admiration for the band has just grown. Now happy and proud to be joining my brothers as a full-time member and I’m thrilled to be a part of the next chapter of Soilwork”.