Simon McBride Deep Purplen vakituiseksi jäseneksi

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.9.2022

Englantilainen rockin legenda Deep Purple on nimennyt kitaristi Simon McBriden yhtyeen vakituiseksi jäseneksi. Bändi on julkaissut aiheesta virallisen tiedotteen ja voit lukea sen tästä:

“We are thrilled that Simon has agreed to join. Simon’s playing is up there with the greats. Of course, Steve can’t be replaced, the same as Ritchie, and Steve has a long legacy with Deep Purple. In Simon we have not found a replacement, but an extraordinarily talented and exciting guitarist in his own right.

”The reception from audiences over the Summer has already been great and we are looking forward to the forthcoming dates in the UK and Europe across the rest of the year. It is clear that Simon also holds great respect for those before him. We are all excited for what the years to come hold for the band.”

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Simon McBride kertoo liittymisestään Deep Purplen viralliseksi jäseneksi seuraavaa:

“I’m very happy to be asked to join the band. At the start of the pandemic if someone would have said to me that I was going to be the new guitarist in Deep Purple I would have just laughed, but here we are and it’s happening.

”Deep Purple has a history of great guitarists so I’m very honoured to be asked to be part of that. They are all amazing musicians and more importantly, I have become very good friends with the guys so I can’t wait to continue touring and even perhaps some writing and recording.”

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