Sinfonista metallia soittavalta Xandrialta uusi albumi helmikuussa: Ensimmäinen single ”Ghosts” kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 4.11.2022

Saksalainen sinfonista metallia soittava Xandria on julkaisemassa seuraavan ”The Wonders Still Awaiting” -nimisen albuminsa helmikuun 3. päivä Napalm Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen tulevalta albumilta on nyt julkaistu ensimmäisenä singlenä kuunneltavaksi kappale nimeltä ”Ghosts”, josta bändi kertoo seuraavaa:

“Ghosts actually started as a reminiscence to good old Swedish melodic death metal and with that archetypical guitar riff that you hear right in the beginning. And then we integrated it into our XANDRIA soundscape with lots of film score atmosphere and big choirs, because it was exciting to mix these elements and do our own thing with it (still we kept the working title “Swedish Fire” for a long time…). It is a good example for how diverse the new album will be and how many different influences we were putting into it. We had a lot of things – little musical dreams – in our minds and hearts that we wanted to realize, and along with what you already heard in the first two new songs this is just one of them. There will be quite some more surprises coming…”


Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen
Mainos päättyy

1. Two Worlds
2. Reborn
3. You Will Never Be Our God (feat. Ralf Scheepers)
4. The Wonders Still Awaiting
5. Ghosts
6. Your Stories I’ll Remember
7. My Curse Is My Redemption
8. Illusion Is Their Name
9. Paradise
10. Mirror Of Time
11. Scars
12. The Maiden And The Child
13. Astèria