Sister Sinin vokalisti Liv Jagrell aikoo jatkaa uraansa musiikin parissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 2.12.2015

Sister Sin 2015Uutisoimme hiljattain ruotsalaisen raskasta rockia soittavan Sister Sinin päätöksestä lopettaa uransa. Nyt yhtyeen vokalisti Liv Jagrell on antanut Sleaze Roxx -nimiselle verkkolehdelle haastattelun, jossa on paljastanut jatkavansa musiikin tekemistä jonkun toisen yhtyeen parissa. Livin mukaan yhtye vain paloi loppuun kiertäessään viime vuonna ja tämän seurauksena teki päätöksen lopettamisesta. Voit lukea Liv Jagrellin mietteitä aiheesta tästä:

Actually, it’s just that we toured too much and we got burned out. That’s the simple answer. They just felt like they did not want to do this anymore. We can’t tour this… because it’s both economical and like we toured so many… This year, we had been out for almost four months or something so it’s a lot of time away from family. It’s a lot of time away from friends. And also just to survive in the business is hard so I think we maybe worked too hard in the last years. [Laughs]

Kysyttäessä meinaako Liv vielä jatkaa musiikin parissa vastaa nainen seuraavaa:

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen
Mainos päättyy

”I am not giving up music. I will be back, but I will not say anything more about the other members and to tell who wanted to continue to play and who did not want to play. But as for me, I am 100% sure that I will still be doing this. I just don’t know exactly how, what and where right now because this is very sudden and very just recent so I haven’t thought about that so much. I am still trying to understand that the band that I had for over ten years is not here anymore. I mean, it’s like a relationship. It’s like someone that you have been for that long. It takes time to think through and like just everything but I will be back in the music business, for sure.”