Six Feet Under ilman basistia ja rumpalia

Kirjoittanut Teemu Hakala - 1.2.2011

Basisti Terry Butler sekä rumpali Greg Gall ovat jättäneet yhdysvaltalaisen death metal -yhtye Six Feet Underin. Lue lisää nähdäksesi virallisen viestin bändin vokalistilta Chris Barnesilta.

Our long time friends and bandmates, Terry Butler and Greg Gall , have decided to move on and depart from SFU. Steve Swanson and myself are grateful for all the fun times we’ve shared together through the years, and wish them the best of luck in their musical endeavors.

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just to fill you all in, Steve and myself are very excited about the future of the SFU, and i have been working hard on writing the new SFU material for the past 4 months with a new writing partner.

i will make this guarantee and promise to all the fans of Six Feet Under; the new line up will be a DEATH METAL force to be dealt with, with the long awaited addition of a brutal as fuck drummer and riffs that will rip your face off, vocals ala 1993-1995…

thank you all for your continued support and devotion, see you soon!

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