Six Feet Under julkaisi tulevan albuminsa tiedot: uusi kappale kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 10.1.2017

Yhdysvaltalainen death metal -yhtye Six Feet Under julkaisee uuden albuminsa nimeltä ”Torment” 24. helmikuuta Metal Blade Recordsin kautta. Levyltä on nyt julkaistu näytteenä avausraita ”Sacrificial Kill” ja voit katsastaa tuon kappaleen tästä levyn tietojen ohella:

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01 Sacrificial Kill
02 Exploratory Homicide
03 The Separation Of Flesh From Bone
04 Schizomaniac
05 Skeleton
06 Knife Through The Skull
07 Slaughtered As They Slept
08 In The Process Of Decomposing
09 Funeral Mask
10 Obsidian
11 Bloody Underwear
12 Roots Of Evil

Laulaja Chris Barnes on kommentoinut tulevaa albumia seuraavasti:

“I’ve been lucky to have a lot of standout albums in my career. That’s only because I’ve had a great many talented writing partners and musicians to collaborate with. Our new album, ‘Torment‘, to me, is one of those albums. Jeff Hughell has provided the flammable material for me to write some explosive lyrics and vocal parts to. I know people always say, “this is my best album ever”, and I won’t say that, because everyone has their own favorites, but I do enjoy creating new music, and I feel as though with this one we expressed concisely and to the fullest the duality of our music.”

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”I have also found it important over the years, going back to the start of my career, that the artwork for our albums gets to express, on some level, what the experience is within. To do that this time around we were able to incorporate an amazing new artist, Septian Devenum, to take on the task of visually bringing this album to life. Every song on the album is depicted with a piece of artwork that explores the lyrical content of each song, similar to what we did for the packaging for our album ‘Bringer of Blood.’ ‘Torment‘ has been a great album to work on and help create, we hope all of our fans appreciate it.”

Barnes on myös vihjaillut ”Bloody Underwear” -kappaleen olevan jatkoa Cannibal Corpsen kappaleelle ”Fucked With A Knife”, joka julkaistiin hänen toimiessaan vielä yhtyeen vokalistina. Mies kertoo Twitterissä:

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