Sixx A.M. -kitaristi DJ Ashba: ”Kaipaan rock-tähtien mystistä imagoa aikana ennen internetiä”

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 8.7.2016

DJ Ashba 2016Guns N’ Rosesissakin soittanut Sixx A.M. -kitaristi DJ Ashba kertoo tuoreessa From Hero To Zero -haastattelussaan siitä, miten artistien asema on muuttunut verrattuna aikaan, jolloin hän itse aloitti soittamisen. Hän kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:

”Well, I started before the Internet, so I think the Internet has changed the game significantly.

”Back in the day… What I miss about no Internet is there was a mystique about a rock star. Now you can follow every little move on Snapchat, which is cool too, but it’s just a whole different time, you know.”

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Ashba kertoo suhtautuneensa internetiin aluksi epäilevästi:

”I think, like everybody else did, I thought, in the beginning, ’Okay, this isn’t gonna last.’ This AOL, dial-up thing, I didn’t really understand it, because there were no web sites.

”And then all of a sudden, a couple of web sites [popped up]. But it was mostly you’d go on and, ’You’ve got mail,’ and you checked your mail.

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”I remember the first time they wanted a credit card,” he continued. ”I was, like, ’You guys are high. You ain’t getting my credit card.’ Now, it’s, like, you don’t shop without going online.

”I love the Internet more than life. I’m such a technological… I love techie stuff. I just love it. I embrace it.”

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