Skid Row julkaisi virallisen viestin koskien laulajanvaihdosta

Kirjoittanut Jyri Kinnari - 30.12.2015

skid rowEnsi vuonna 30-vuotisjuhliaan viettävän rock-yhtye Skid Row’n laulaja Tony Harnellin on aiemmin uutisoitu eronneen yhtyeestä. Harnell julkaisi Facebookissa viestin, jossa kertoi, ettei enää kuulu yhtyeeseen. Skid Row on kirjoittanut, että he saivat tietää asiasta tuon viestin kautta. Yhtyeen jäsenet kertovat puhuneensa Harnellin kanssa viimeksi joulukuun 17. päivänä, jolloin hän oli sairaalahoidossa keuhkoputkentulehduksen takia. Skid Row ilmoittaa jatkavansa eteenpäin ja toivottaa Harnellille hyvää jatkoa. Lopuksi viestissä torpataan huhut, joiden mukaan legendaarisen kokoonpanon paluu olisi tapahtumassa ja Skid Row lämmittelisi Guns ’n’ Rosesin paluukeikkoja.

To the SKID ROW faithful,
As you may know, Tony Harnell quit the band yesterday. We found out about his decision the same way all of you did, via his post on social media. He had posted that he was no longer in the band before informing the band personally.

The last we spoke with Tony was on Dec 17th. He was in the hospital being treated for ”bronchitis with asthmatic symptoms”. We were all very concerned and offered any assistance we could to help him get healthy. Due to his condition we were forced to cancel our show in Chicago on Dec. 19th. The next time we heard anything was his post yesterday.

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That being said, we are all moving forward and wish Tony the best in his future endeavors.

Lastly, amidst all of the rumors and speculation, there has been no talk of a reunion nor are we opening for Guns N Roses.

That’s it for now. We’ll keep you updated as best we can.
Thanks for your support and understanding. See you in 2016!

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