Skid Row -kitaristi Dave Sabo kertoo kantansa laulaja Erik Grönwallin lähdöstä

Kirjoittanut Kasper Piippo - 21.10.2024

Skid Row -laulaja Erik Grönwall jätti yhtyeen aiemmin tänä vuonna terveyssyistä johtuen. Grönwall sairastui leukemiaan vuonna 2021 ja sen hoito jätti Grönwallille heikentyneen immuunijärjestelmän. Nyt yksi Skid Rown pitkäaikaisimmista jäsenistä, kitaristi Dave Sabo, kertoo oman kantansa asiaan uudessa The Johnny Rock Show -haastattelussa.

”Erik did ’The Gang’s All Here’ record, and then Erik was able to spend almost three years in the band. But whether you know or not, Erik’s a cancer survivor, and he had a bone marrow transplant in order to put him in remission. And he immediately, once he was in remission and started getting some energy back, he immediately wanted to get back out and start singing again. And so we called him up and said, ’Hey, man, we just recorded a record and we’d love for you to sing on it.’ And we sent him the music, and he did. Then all of a sudden we started touring. We could see early on that his health was still not there yet, and he knew it too. And so we did the best that we could with his situation, and he gave us all that he could, but it got to a point where it just was too much for his body at that particular point. And the way we tour, it’s tough, it’s a grind, and we attempted to compromise and come up with a situation where it would benefit his health. But after speaking with his doctors and him and his family and stuff, it turned out to be that we just wouldn’t be able to work it out from a health perspective for him and from a sort of an economic standpoint for the band. We didn’t wanna go and go in and have to go postpone more shows and things like that and then have to make them up later on down the road. It wasn’t good for him and it wasn’t good for the band and stuff. But we’re thankful for the time that we got to spend with them. Dave Sabo

Grönwall yritti kiertää Skid Rown kanssa toipumisensa aikana, mutta jo siinä vaiheessa oli selvää, ettei hänen terveytensä ollut enää entisensä, eikä raskas kiertue-elämä ollut hänelle hyväksi. Vain viikkoja sen jälkeen, kun yhtye ilmoitti yhteisymmärryksessä Grönwallin lähdöstä, hänen tilalleen lopuille keikoille otettiin laulajaksi Halestormista tunnettu Lzzy Hale.

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