Skid Row:n entinen rumpali Rob Affuso kertoo bändin klassisen kokoonpanon paluun olleen lähellä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.12.2023

Yhdysvaltalaisessa rockyhtye Skid Row:ssa vuosien 1987–1998 välisen ajan soittanut rumpali Rob Affuso on paljastanut tuoreessa Laughingmonkeymusicin videohaastattelussa yhtyeen klassisen kokoonpanon paluun olleen lähellä ”viisi tai kuusi” vuotta sitten mutta kaatuneen kuitenkin lopulta asioihin, jotka olisivat rumpalin mukaan olleet sovittavissa. Affuson mukaan hän on tehnyt vuosien ajan töitä bändin paluun eteen mutta ei enää halua kuluttaa siihen energiaa koska se tuntuu niin mahdottomalta. Affuso kertoi bändin paluusta seuraavaa:

”There almost was a SKID ROW reunion. It was very close, actually. We all had our calendars blocked off and a summer scheduled, and there were dates being put out there, and it was really disappointing when it blew up. I think the reasons why it blew up are really stupid. I think they could have been avoided and not… I think things could have been fixed and changed and worked through. But here we are. That was about five or six years ago.

 ”I really, really was hoping and trying for years to make that all happen, and I feel like part of me, in hoping that would all happen, sort of lost a part of my life, not being present in my life and not enjoying my current life because I was looking in the past and looking forward and hoping that I could bring the past back and was missing things in my own life because I was too worried about hoping that would happen. And I think after failure of the last attempt, the only attempt, I just said, ’This is taking too much of a toll on me. I have to enjoy life. I have to do what I love. And I have no control over this and just do what I do and have fun. And if this ever comes around and comes together, then I’m gonna be there all in a thousand percent, but for now I have to love my own life and love myself and move forward thinking like that.’ And hopefully it will, but I can’t look back and I can’t look forward anymore.”

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