Skilletin John Cooper selventää tuoreessa haastattelussa miksi hänen mielestään Jumala antoi koronapandemian tapahtua

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 15.1.2022

Yhdysvaltalainen kristillistä rockia soittava Skillet julkaisi viimeisimmän ”Dominion” -nimisen albuminsa eilen 14. päivä tammikuuta Atlantic Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen laulajana toimiva John Cooper vieraili hiljattain Loudwire Nightsin Toni Gonzalesin haastattelussa kertomassa bändin tuoreesta albumista. Haastattelun aikana Gonzales viittasi yhtyeen tuoreen albumin ”Valley Of Death” -kappaleen sanoituksiin ”Someone said this is all part of the plan / But I don’t understand” ja kysyi Cooperilta minkä vuoksi tämä uskoo, että Jumala antoi koronapandemian tapahtua. Cooper kertoi haastattelussa ihmiskunnan olevan hyvin kaukana tällä hetkellä siitä mitä Jumala alunperin toivoi ja sen olevan syynä pandemian puhkeamiseen. Cooper kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:

”Well, the first answer is that we’re not good people. We’re all fallen and we are all in desperate need of salvation through Jesus. So, we’re not actually good people, we all do bad stuff. We all cheat, we’ve all lied, we’re all greedy and as much as the most loving person in the whole world that you’ll ever find, that person is actually still very far off from what mankind was supposed to be, and certainly far off from who God is and the way that God truly loves in a perfect way.

I’ll just end it with this… most people would agree that when you go through trials in life, whatever they may be, there is this idea that in the end, if you make good decisions, if you follow it through, if you change your mind and struggle through it, you come out on the back side stronger than when you started,” he continued. ”I think religious people and non-religious people seem to agree on this idea that being through the fire, that sort of refines the gold if you will, that’s what makes you stronger.

And a lot of people say, ’You know what, that was really difficult, but I wouldn’t change it because it made me who I am today.’ And I guess what I’m saying is, in the same way on a Bible perspective, we go through these things so that God can change us and he can remind us of how much we actually need him. If we don’t have grace from God every single day, we are not going to make it.”

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