Skindred sopimukseen Earache Recordsin kanssa: ”Tämän levy-yhtiön artistit saivat meidät alun perin rakastumaan raskaaseen musiikkiin”
Walesilainen reggaemetallia soittava Skindred on solminut sopimuksen Earache Recordsin kanssa. Bändin jäsenet allekirjoittivat jokainen sopimuksen eri keikkapaikassa Englannissa saadakseen enemmän huomiota keikkapaikkojen heikolle tilanteelle koronapandemian keskellä. Jäsenet allekirjoittivat sopimukset seuraavissa klubeissa:
Le Pub Newportissa (Benji Webbe)
The Louisiana Bristolissa (Dan Pugsley)
The Black Heart Lontoossa (Arya Goggins)
Green Door Store Brightonissa (Mikey Fry)
Yhtye on kommentoinut sopimustaan Earachen kanssa seuraavasti:
“We are so excited to announce that we are signing a worldwide deal with Earache Records. I have been a fan of the label since I started listening to heavy music. Their independent attitude and willingness to push the boundaries are something we can identify with in Skindred. It was great to ink the deal at The Black Heart in Camden and shine a light on all the struggling independent music venues too. The Music Venue Trust is something that we feel passionately about and we want these venues to thrive and be part of the future of British Music as well as being part of its history.”
Earache Recordsin perustaja Digby Pearson on kommentoinut sopimusta bändin kanssa seuraavasti:
“We could not be more thrilled to be signing Skindred. They are such a truly unique and much-loved band. We have all been huge fans of them since Day 1 and have followed Benji’s career since the very beginning so to have Skindred sign to Earache is something that we are all extremely excited by. We are delighted to welcome Benji back to the Earache family along with his bandmates Arya, Mikey and Dan and look forward to working with them for many albums to come.”