A Skylit Driven riveissä muutoksia

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.10.2014

A Skylit Drive 2014 2Yhdysvaltalaisen post-hardcorea soittavan A Skylit Driven basisti Brian White sekä rumpali Cory La Quary ovat jättäneet yhtyeen. Voit lukea sekä yhtyeen, että miesten oman tiedotteen asian tiimoilta tästä:

Brian sekä Cory ovat kommentoineet lähtöään seuraavasti:

“A message for our fans and friends, from Brian and Cory: First and foremost, we want to express our gratitude towards our fans and friends who have believed in us enough to support the music we love to play. Whether you have been with us since the beginning of A Skylit Drive or have started listening recently, and regardless of how you showed your support (by coming to a concert, buying our CD or merchandise, or spreading the word about us)…thank you.

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After careful consideration and having spent a significant amount of time making our decision, we will be parting ways with A Skylit Drive. The life-shaping experiences we have had as individuals, with our band mates/fellow touring bands and especially with our fans and friends is what makes our departure weigh so heavily on our hearts. While we arrived at our decision to leave A Skylit Drive separately, our reasons for doing so are very similar.

Unfortunately, the same passion for our band that once fueled our success has changed. How a person values their art and the creative process is their own right, but for the two of us it has gotten to the point that we do not want to lose our love of writing, playing and preforming music because our values and ideas are no longer aligned with others.When we started this band, we could have never imagined that our dreams to travel and perform on stages across the world would come true.

Thankful is an understatement for the way we feel about the opportunities we have been given to live our dream for the past eight years. That being said, we hope that you—our fans and friends— will continue to follow your dreams, whatever they may be. Do what makes you happy; otherwise there is no point in doing it at all. Music and performing will always be a part of us, and so we look forward to embracing new opportunities. We will not stop dreaming and we hope you will continue to dream with us.

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With the sincerest love and gratitude, Brian White and Cory LaQuay“

Yhtye on julkaissut asian tiimoilta seuraavanlaisen tiedotteen:

“Before anything else we’d like to apologize for the manner in which yesterday’s abrupt & unplanned announcement of Cory and Brian‘s departure from A Skylit Drive was. We had known for quite some time that both members were becoming increasingly less happy in the band. Both for their own reasons. We knew their time in ASD was coming to an end. Some of the separation was even mutual, but for you, the fans, ASD as a whole should have been able to create an announcement together regarding the separation. You all deserve NO less than that. We don’t want our fans, the lifeline of our passion, to be left wondering. Respectfully, below our statement you will find Cory & Brian‘s [see here.]

As for the future of ASD, We will continue on. ASD is about more than one or two people. It’s about the music & the fans. Where the music comes from is safely intact. That we can promise you. As for our fans, there are none better, and we know you’ll be right there by our sides till the end. Knowing that, we have all we need to carry on.

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In the spirit of moving forward and sticking to our word of a big announcement coming, we have a couple of things in store. First things first, we will be releasing a full length acoustic album in January of 2015. For the album we have recreated our most recent record “RISE” in its entirety in FULL acoustic. The album will be called “RISE: ASCENSION“. Please check out the announcement video for full details & pre order specials. Second, we have already begun writing for a new record set to release in the Summer of 2015! Lastly, expect to see us back on the road in early 2015. We can’t be stopped!

To be honest, we couldn’t feel better about where we’re at. There is no doubt within us. We are stronger and more determined than ever before. At the end of the day all we have is our music, and all we want to do is share it with the world. We are beyond excited to continue this journey, and we hope you’re ready for the ride!”