Kuva: Gene Kirkland

Slash julkaisi uuden ”Oh Well” -kappaleen tulevalta sooloalbumiltaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 13.4.2024

Yhdysvaltalaisesta rockin legendasta Guns N’ Rosesista tunnettu kitaristi Slash on julkaisemassa järjestyksessään kuudennen sooloalbuminsa nimeltä ”Orgy of the Damned” toukokuun 17. päivä Gibson Recordsin kautta. Slashin tulevalla blues-musiikkiin keskittyvällä sooloalbumilla on varsin nimekäs joukko vierailijoita sillä albumin lauluissa kuullaan mm. Brian Johnsonia (AC/DC), Chris Stapletonia, Beth Hartia, Iggy Poppia, Paul Rodgersia, Billy F. Gibbonsia (ZZ Top), Chris Robinsonia (The Black Crowes), Demi Lovatoa, Dorothya sekä Tash Nealia. Slashin tulevalta sooloalbumilta on nyt julkaistu kuunneltavaksi kappale nimeltä ”Oh Well”, josta kitaristilla on seuraavaa kerrottavaa:

So, this is the original Fleetwood Mac, which was founded by Peter Green, one of the greatest singer-songwriter-guitar players, he’s less known in the public, but very well known to us guitar players re the 60s British blues and he’s up there with Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, and Nick Taylor. He sort of had a misadventure with drugs and disappeared early in his career, but he had some great fucking songs and ‘Oh Well’ is one of my favorites. I remember hearing the song on the radio when I was probably 13, they used to play both the older version of Fleetwood Mac and the new version of the band with Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham a lot. I always loved this song, and it’s a great guitar riff. I jammed it with the Blues Ball back in the ‘90s, and I’ve played it live here and there. I knew from the beginning I wanted to do the song on this record. It was also one of the songs that I was trying to figure out who would be the right vocalist for it, and one of the ideas I had was Chris Stapleton, who is one of the most brilliant singer songwriters today. He’s also got such a gritty and distinctive voice, so I called him up and he did an amazing job. I mean, his voice is so cool.

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