Slash: ”Kaipasin soolobändiäni keikkaillessani Guns N’ Rosesin kanssa”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 4.10.2018

Juuri kolmannen sooloalbuminsa The Conspiratorsin ja Myles Kennedyn kanssa julkaissut Slash on ylistänyt soolobändiään, Clay Marshallille antamassaan haastattelussa. Slash on kuvaillut yhtyettään todella omistautuneiksi musiikinteolle ja sen lisäksi nämä kaikki ovat todella mukavia ja osaavia muusikoita, eikä yhdelläkään ole ongelmia päihteiden käytön kanssa:

”They’re all really good guys, really good people. We’ve developed this thing over the course of time, and it’s gotten better and better as it went [along]. I’ve gotten really close to them. You sort of miss hanging out with them and working with them, because they’re a lot of fun to work with. The Conspirators guys are really, really unique in that all they want to do is play, and they’re all good players, so they really get off on doing a bang-up job with whatever it is that we’re doing. There’s nobody really on the [12-step] program or anything; they just naturally don’t get fucked up. It’s great. Not saying that anybody in Guns does, but just with this particular group, for my having put a new group together, I’ve always had that issue with any of my bands. So yeah, I just sort of missed hanging out with them, and it was fun when we got back together and started jamming and stuff.”

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Slash kuvaili myös minkälaista on toimia kahdessa yhtyeessä ja miten uutta materiaalia syntyi tuoreimmalle Slash feat. Myles Kennedy & The Conspiratorsin albumille:

”When I’m out doing Guns, all your focus is on that. We’re playing these huge venues and it’s a whole world unto itself, so I didn’t think about anything having to do with The Conspirators at the time other than wanting to find the first available opportunity to be able to go in and record. When the break happened, I guess I sort of decompressed over the holidays and was just playing my guitar, and sort of just put Guns out of my mind. I think you have to, because you’ve just been doing nothing but that, so as soon as have a moment where you don’t have to think about it, you sort of put it to the side, so then I started to focus my energy on the other thing, and it was just switching gears completely. We did that for a while, and then I went back to Guns rehearsals, and then you re-tool your mind to be able to make that [transition]. I don’t think one really has too much influence on the other.”

Slash feat. Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators ja kappale ”Driving Rain” Sirius XM-radiokanavan konsertissa 11.9.:

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Myles Kennedy – laulu, Slash – kitara, Todd Kerns – basso/laulu, Frank Sidoris – rytmikitara, Brent Fitz – rummut