Slash kommentoi Lemmyn kuolemaa: ”Maailma ei ole enää sama ilman häntä”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 26.9.2018

Kitaristi Slash on kertonut Revolverille antamassaan haastattelussa olleensa edesmenneen Lemmy Kilmisterin ystävä jo 80-luvulta lähtien, ja että maailma tuntuu nykyisin tyhjemmältä ilman Motörhead-legendan läsnäoloa. Slash kuvaili kaipaavansa Lemmyä seuraavin sanoin:

“Lemmy was such a fucking awesome individual. We were good friends since we met in 1987, which is when Guns N’ Roses first went to London.

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Motörhead was doing a record. We went down to meet them for the first time and we all hit it off. Lemmy and I kept in touch and became good friends over the years.

“He was such a great example of what rock’n’roll was all about. You can put on all kinds of labels: heavy metal, hard rock, whatever, but he embodied the spirit of what rock’n’roll is.”

“For years and years, I could be anywhere in the world and somehow Lemmy was there. The planet is a lesser place without him. I really miss him a lot.”

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