Slashin veli lyttää Guns N’ Rosesin mahdollisen comebackin

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 12.9.2015

slashaxlfull_638Uutisoimme sivustollamme hiljattain Guns N Rosesin pitkään riidoissa olleen kitaristi Slashin sekä vokalisti Axl Rosen parantuneista väleistä. Heti uutisen tultua julki alkoi verkossa leviämään kulo valkean tavoilla kaikenmoiset huhut yhtyeen mahdollisesta comebackista alkuperäisen kokoonpanon voimin. Nyt Slashin veli Ash Hudson on julkaissut omassa Instagramissaan varsin tylyn viestin, joka tuskin ainakaan edesauttaa bändin paluuta takaisin yhteen. Viestissä Ash on haukkunut Axl Rosen ”lihavaksi paskiaiseksi” ja toivookin yhtyeen fanien unohtavan jo ajatuksen bändin comebackista. Voit lukea Ash Hudsonin kirjoittaman tylyn viestin aiheesta tästä:

”You obsessed fans of guns n roses. F–k a reunion. If you love guns enjoy what they made and move on. To dream of the opportunity that you could see them all together to me is like saying “I love the guys who invented my door in my apartment”. I walk thru it all the time. I wish they would get back together and invent a new door. What’s wrong with the door you have? It still works. You still use it. And you f–king fanclub page host need to get your own life to spend all your time figuring out what slash is doing first.

And to act like you have an education degree of guns n roses and yet you have your own families but still you spend most of your day and life as an undercover fanboy serving up the gossip with an attitude like you have some power over other fanboys & girls is like if you never stopped wearing superman underoos and think as an adult your f–king superman. It’s all so dumb to me. Not sure if I’m making myself clear. But grow up. Get a life. If I get one more f–ker asking me will guns do a reunion tour I’m blocking them. Axl is a fat bastard and the reunion would only be a disappointment and an action that would result in criticism. Just sayin.”

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Ash on tullut myöhemmin myös katuma päälle kirjoituksestaan ja julkaissut seuraavanlaisen viestin korjatakseen tilanteen omalla Facebook -sivullaan:

”I apologize to Axl and his legions of fans who were offended by my post of yesterday.

”I am sorry I shot my mouth off. I know, or should know, better than to get involved in GN’R business.

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”It has come to me attention that Axl is on a strict diet and losing weight.

”Unfortunately, my post was very offensive and upsetting to my brother, for which I apologize.

”To the rest of the world, I had one of these days when people kept asking me about a possible reunion and I had had enough… Again, my apologies.”

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