Slaughterin Mark Slaughter julkaisi musiikkivideon ”Halfway There”-kappaleelle

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 12.12.2017

Slaughterin vokalisti-kitaristi Mark Slaughter julkaisi virallisen musiikkivideon sooloalbumiltaan löytyvälle kappaleelle ”Halfway There”. Tuotannosta sekä miksauksesta vastaa John Cranfield (AFI, Andy Grammer), joka on työskennellyt muun muassa Rob Zombien, Iron Maidenin, KISS:in sekä Clive Barkerin kanssa.

Mark Slaughter sanoi soolotuotannostaan seuraavaa:

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”My first solo record was kinda getting back on the horse, so to speak. I mean doing everything and recording… I’m taking on a lot more tasks as an engineer/producer/ writer on all this… because I’m doing everything. Ultimately, at the end of the day, anybody who is a Slaughter fan will certainly understand that I am a large part of the Slaughter sound and vibe, so, obviously, if you like that, it’s in there. It’s just that I take a lot more liberties on the solo side that I probably wouldn’t do when it’s a group effort. The record is basically… I spend a lot of time writing songs and things just grow out of me.. I’ll be woken up in the middle of the night from nowhere and the song’s just in my head and I just exorcize the demons and there you have it. I guess what it is is an artist makes art. And I’ve really come to the fact that since we haven’t made a Slaughter record in so long, it’s one of those things that I still have to make the art. That’s what I do. That’s what I love to do, and that’s what I’ll continue to do.”

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