Slayer julkaisemassa ”Repentless 6.66”-vinyylikokoelman
Thrash metal -veteraani Slayer on julkaisemassa hienon ”Repentless”-keräilykokoelman 6. toukokuuta. Kokoelmasta löytyvä 6,66-tuumainen vinyylilevy sisältää edellisen albumin kaikki kappaleet, ja painosta tulee löytymään mustana, punaisena sekä kultaisena.
Yhtye ilmoitti tammikuussa tekevänsä maailmanlaajuisen jäähyväiskiertueen, ja näin Slayerin vokalisti/basisti Tom Araya on aiemmin perustellut lopettamispäätöstä Loudwiren haastattelussa:
”I’m grateful that we’ve been around for 35 years; that’s a really long time. So, yeah, to me, it is. Because when we started off, everything was great, because you’re young and invincible. And then there came a time where I became a family man, and I had a tough time flying back and forth. And now, at this stage, at the level we’re at now, I can do that; I can fly home when I want to, on days off, and spend some time with my family, which is something I wasn’t able to do when my kids were growing up. Now they’re both older and mature. So now I take advantage of that. It just gets harder and harder to come back out on the road. 35 years is a long time. There’s things that have gone on in my life that have made me change how I play as a bass player. I had neck surgery, so I can’t headbang anymore. And that was a big part of what I enjoyed doing what I do — singing and headbanging. I liked knowing that I was one of the fucking badass headbangers. That played a big part. Now I just groove with the music, which is cool, because I’m grooving with the music and the feel of the songs, so that’s changed a little for me.”
Slayer on kiertänyt viime aikoina edellisen albuminsa, vuonna 2015 ilmestyneen ”Repentlessin” tiimoilta, joka on ensimmäinen julkaisu sitten kitaristi Jeff Hannemanin kuoleman 2011 ja rumpali Dave Lombardon potkujen 2013.
Kokoonpano 2018:
Tom Araya – laulu, basso
Kerry King – kitara
Gary Holt – kitara
Paul Bostaph – rummut