Slayer kitaristi kommentoi suhdettaan edesmenneeseen ystäväänsä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.6.2013

SlayerYhdysvaltalaisen thrash metallia soittavan Slayerin kitaristi Kerry King on paljastanut Guitar Wordille antamassaan haastattelussa, että hän ei koskaan ollut paras kaveri edesmenneen Slayer kitaristi Jeff Hannemanin kanssa. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Kerryn viesti asiaan liittyen.

”[Any time we would finish a tour, Jeff] would just go home and detach,” King says. ”He might have lived only 45 minutes away, but unless you were part of his inner circle, it was hard to stay in touch with him. And it took me a few years to understand that. For a while I was just like, ’Why isn’t this guy calling me back?’ But as I got older, I just realized that that was who Jeff was.

”I don’t think Jeff and I were ever best friends,” continues King. ”I think we were probably the closest in the band, but never best friends. To put it in a way that everyone could understand, Jeff and I were like business partners. Was he my friend? Of course he was my friend. But we didn’t really act like that. The last time I was at Jeff’s house was January 2003. We went to his place to watch the Raiders in the playoffs. And it sounds horrible, but it wasn’t horrible. That was just how it was.”

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