Slayerin entinen rumpali avautuu bändin finanssiasioista
Yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metallin legendan Slayerin entinen rumpali Dave Lombardo on avautunut bändin finanssipuolesta. Viime vuonna bändistä erotettu rumpali teki hiljattain lyhyen rumpuklinikka-kiertueen Euroopassa ja vastaili soiton lomassa myös fanien kysymyksiin. Belfastissa, Irlannissa muusikko kertoi riitaantunensa muun muassa rahasta, sillä yhtyeen finanssipolitiikka oli miehen mukaan retuperällä, eikä hänen mielipidettään asioiden hoitamiseksi paremmalle tolalle otettu lainkaan huomioon. Lue lisää nähdäksesi miehen virallinen kirjoitus asiaan liittyen.
“I did my best to try to keep it together, but I couldn’t go on, man. I had to step out, because you can’t be shackled like that; nobody can take advantage of another person like that anymore.
I did it for too many years, and I held my breath. Red flags kept going on in my books. It’s, like, ‘Really? I’m supposed to make more money? Why am I on the same salary? I’m making the exact same thing I’ve been making the past two years. And this is back in 2004. So I knew something was up, you know? And I tried my best to work it out with the guys. I brought Tom into the picture. I had Tom in a hotel room with me talking to my attorney, and my attorney was telling him everything their management company had been doing to them for the past 30 freakin’ years. And we had an accountant—a forensic accountant—ready to go in there and look at the stuff.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyTom got bought out. Management flipped him over a couple of hundred grand—who knows how much?—you know, and Kerry as well, to keep quiet and go against Lombardo. So they turned their backs on me. And when on the last day—here I am spilling my guts about it—on the last day, when I’m at rehearsal with them—and I saved it all the way until the end, this was like a few days—I said, ‘guys, we need a new business plan. We’ve been on the same business plan for the past…. You guys have been on the same business plan after 30 years. Now I’m an income participant. In other words, I’m a percentage holder.
So if you’re a percentage holder, you know, you have the right, and you’re contracted, as a percentage holder, you have the right to see where all the expenses are going. Because here you are getting paid off of net, and then out of 4.4 million dollars, the band gets 400 thousand dollars. Where’s the four million? And that’s just 2011. Lawyers, accountant and the manager. For the past 30 years, they were doing that to the guys.
And they took my information… And I’ll never forget the day… I just said, ‘guys, look at this. This came from your accountant.’ And it showed all the money. It wasn’t showing where the money was going, it was just showing ‘gross,’ ‘expenses,’ ‘net.’ And out of that net, I made, on tour, in 2011, 67 thousand dollars.
Kerry and Tom, that was about 114 thousand dollars they made on tour. So if you did about 60 shows, divide that up between 60 shows… Anybody have a calculator? No, not 60… Let’s say about 90 shows per year: 30 in the spring, 30 in the summer and 30 shows in the winter, in the fall.
So you break that up per show… Really? It’s disgusting. I’m not gonna… I bust my ass up there playing drums. I mean, I am just sweating, I’m beat. And for the guy in the Hollywood Hills, for his facials, his manicures and his little boys? No, I’m not gonna play, for that. No.
So, guys, I did everything I could. All I can say, right now my schedule is open. I can do whatever I want whenever I want. I can come to Europe, do some clinics, hang out with you guys.”