Slayerin Kerry King lataa: ”Iron Maiden sekä Metallica ratsastavat vanhojen albumeidensa suosiolla”
Thrash metal -jättiläinen Slayer saapuu Suomeen ensi kesänä pääesiintyjäksi Tampereella kesäkuussa järjestettävään South Park -festivaaliin. Varsin kärkkäänä omasta suustaan tunnettu bändin kitaristi Kerry King on antanut hiljattain haastattelun RWAMagille, jossa mies on pohtinut metallimusiikin nykytilaa. Kerry on haastattelussa todennut yhtyeen miettineen uuden musiikin julkaisemista jatkuvasti laskevien albumeiden myyntien takia mutta totesi niin kauan kuin albumeita myydään Slayerin myös tekevän sellaisia. Kysyttäessä Kerryltä kuinka hän näkee metallimusiikin tulevaisuuden on mies todennut niin Slayerin, Metallican kuin Iron Maideninkin ratsastavan osittain alkupään tuotantonsa avulla. Voit lukea Kerryn ajatuksia aiheesta tästä:
”We definitely thought about not releasing new music anymore. Maybe even doing what DOWN did and just release four songs before every tour, but, really, until the time comes that albums are obsolete, you better believe SLAYER’s going to be making records.”
Haastattelun kuluessa Kerry King myöntää yhtyeen osittain lepäävän vanhan suosionsa pohjalla todeten saman tekevän myös Metallica sekä Iron Maiden:
”We’re living on our history for sure but so is everyone else, yet we’re the ones trying to push ourselves forward. I would say [IRON] MAIDEN and METALLICA, no offense, are living on past success. METALLICA has toured forever on the ’black’ record which a lot of people don’t like. I actually like it. It’s heavy as can be. Is it ’Master Of Puppets’? Of course not, but it’s a great record. IRON MAIDEN, for me, is living off their first three records. Have they made good songs since then? Yeah, but they haven’t made great records. I like to think we’re still making great records and as much as people come out wanting to hear ’Raining Blood’ and ’Angel Of Death’, they also want to hear ’Disciple’ or even ’Implode’.”
It’s true, but it’s just a sign of the times because people get their music differently. It’s not all about [Nielsen] SoundScan anymore. That’s the last thing I remember, because you remember what you had growing up. There’s different technologies and different ways of doing a number of things, but when I grew up, I knew SoundScan and we are way off of SoundScan now. That’s because people get music for free. One person downloads it and shares it with five people. It’s not the same as it used to be. I can’t be bitter about it because that’s just how time has changed.”
”My barometer is the live show where people show up. That means people are into the music, whether the record is selling or not. They have it, they know it, and we can play it and have them sing it right back to us. That’s pretty much how it shows me people are still into, regardless of sales.”
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