Slayerin Kerry King: ”On ihme, että terroristit löysivät vasta nyt rock -konsertit”
Yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metalin legendan Slayerin kitaristi Kerry King on antanut haastattelun ennen yhtyeen keikkaa Ancienne Belgiquessa Brusselissa Belgiassa rockjournalisti Tom De Smetille, jossa Kerryltä on kysytty mielipidettä Pariisissa tapahtuneeseen terrori-iskuun 13. päivä marraskuuta Le Bataclan klubilla. Kerry King on haastattelussa sanonut ihmetelleensä kuinka terroristeilla kesti niin kauan tajuta iskeä rock -konsertteihin koska he vihaavat yleisesti rockmusiikkia. Kerryn mukaan terroristit yleisesti vihaavat rokkareiden elämäntyyliä sekä sananvapautta ja sen takia rock -konsertit sopivatkin kohteiksi terroristeille oikein hyvin. Voit lukea Kerryn ajatuksia aiheesta tästä:
”I am suprised that it took the terrorists this long to target a rock concert. Because they hate rock music. They hate our lifestyle. They hate our freedom and they hate that we enjoy ourselves. And, of course, it sucks. What happened makes everybody think twice about risking their lives to see a band play. But if you stop going to concerts or stop playing at them, you just do what the terrorists want you to do. It is very important to carry on and to do what you do, what you love doing. And, you know, I am not the kind of guy that goes through life worrying all the time. We took airplanes right after 9-11. We played shows right after Dimebag [late PANTERA guitarist] was shot. Sure, things can go wrong. But you might also step out this building here and get run over by a car. Just do what you love doing and stop worrying.”
”I have written a lot of songs about the negative influence of organized religion. What happened in Paris is once again an example of that. I don’t believe what ISIS — or ISIL or whatever you have to call them these days — believe, so therefore I must perish. That’s the most ridiculous thing I have heard in my life. People have been killing each other for centuries because of organized religion.”
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