Slipknot aikoo soittaa debyyttialbuminsa kokonaisuudessaan tulevalla Euroopan-kiertueella: ”Look Outside Your Window” näkee päivänvalon vuonna 2024
Yhdysvaltalainen metallijätti Slipknot julkisti aiemmin tällä viikolla ensi vuodelle juhlakiertueen Eurooppaan juhlistaakseen 25 vuotta täyttävää debyyttialbumiaan. Nyt yhtyeen perkussionisti sekä perustaja Shawn ”Clown” Crahan on tuoreessa Kerrang!:n haastattelussa paljastanut yhtyeen aikovan soittaa debyyttialbuminsa tulevalla kiertueella livenä kokonaisuudessaan. Clown kertoi bändin suunnitelmista seuraavaa:
“Are you joking right now? You’re talking about the anniversary of one of the greatest metal albums to ever release in the thought process known as reality, and you think this 54-year-old man who just told you ‘I’m going out the way I came in’, you think for one moment that this album isn’t going to be played in its entirety in front of, like, a hundred people, 200 people, 300 people, 50,000 people. I’m not going to live forever, man. Neither is everybody else.
Things are changing very quickly. I ain’t got no more time to fuck around. That is the vehicle of my soul, and the remembrance, the memories, the heartache of lost brothers and even sisters – all these people that are gone and we’re still doing it. Yeah, we’re going to play that album from beginning to end. But I sure as hell am not going to just succumb to the corporate world and give all those people what they want. They’re going to get it.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeenMainos päättyyBut you know what we’re going to get? We’re going to have fun, too. So that means small shows and you won’t know until you hear it. And if you heard it, you’re already too late and you’re not going to see it. So you better open up your soul, because then you’ll feel it and you won’t have to hear it, because I’m being very serious. What I would say to you is, when do you think our first show is?”
Metal Hammerille antamassaan erillisessä haastattelussa Clown kertoi aikovansa vihdoin julkaista kauan hyllytettynä olleen ”Look Outside Your Window” -albumin. Albumin aikataulusta perkussionisti kertoi seuraavaa:
“It’s definitely arriving next year. You have my word. The art’s been done. It’s been mixed. It’s been mastered. It is definitely coming out in 2024 and it’s such a great album. Corey [Taylor] is my favorite singer ever, and you’ll never hear him sing in the same way as on this album, so it’s been worth holding it back. It’s such a different, timeless project.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeenMainos päättyy
Yhtyeestä on lisäksi tekeillä jonkunmoinen dokumentti, josta Clown kertoi seuraavaa:
“I’ve harvested relics from our whole career, I’ve just collected and collected all of it. Let’s call it a documentary, but really it could be a film. I’ve recently signed on with some forces for it and I’m going to get a director too.
A lot of the footage has already been captured, but there is a lot that still needs to be compiled for it to be what it needs to be. So yes, there’s something like that coming, and there’ll be a DVD which would be behind-the-scenes too. Also footage for the 25-year anniversary, there would likely be a package for that, and there’s going to be a reissue of the album, probably.”