Slipknot-nokkamiehen Corey Taylorin kasvattanut Thelma Taylor on kuollut
Yhdysvaltalaisesta metalliyhtye Slipknotista sekä Stone Sourista tunnetun laulajan Corey Taylorin isoäiti Thelma Taylor on siirtynyt ajasta ikuisuuteen. Thelma otti Coreyn hoidettavakseensa Coreyn ollessa 15-vuotias ja kärsiessä pahoista ongelmista huumeiden ja alkoholin kanssa. Corey on julkaissut isoäidistään koskettavan päivityksen Instagramissa. Voit katsoa sen tästä:
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Corey on kertonut Kerrang!:lle vuonna 2009 isoäidistään seuraavaa:
”She had the strongest influence on my while I growing up. ”She instilled in me my work ethic, my attention to loved ones,” he said. ”She was really my proper mom, I love my mother but it was such an insane way to grow up, just brutally all over the place. My grandmother was my rock, she was my foundation, she was my stability, she was my safe home. That really had a lot of impact on me, especially growing up, and even today.
”My grandmother is so nuts — she retires from one place after working there for 25 years, takes a year off, gets bored, goes back to work at a completely different place and has now worked there almost 20 years! I’m like, ’What are you doing? You can barely walk now but you’re still working, are you out of your mind?’ That, to me, that’s big.”